Thursday, August 4, 2011

Pregnancy Week Number 35 + Office Visit

Okay this week nothing much happened.  It was a pretty calm week this week so I don't really have anything to say other than I had a horrible office visit today.

My appointment was at 9:15 today and we got there right around 9:12.  By the way I forgot to mention my husband took me to my appointment today.  I didn't want to go alone and a few unexpected events made him take me.  Usually I go  to my mother-in-laws and spend the night and wake up in the morning and borrow their car so I can take myself to my appointment.  However, this week my hubby's little brother popped the tire to the Corolla that I usually take and they haven't fixed that yet.  The only other drive-able car is the mini-van but after my father-in-law popped the tire to that a few months back it's been really funky and acts up a lot.  Hubby's work place was also closed for the day because something broke down last night before they got off and they still haven't been able to fix it as of yet.  So husband took me to my office visit.

It really sucked because we sat in the lobby for almost an hour or so.  I wasn't feeling good to begin with and my husband's been kind of sick so it wasn't the best hour of my life.  After waiting for goodness knows how long they finally called my name.  They weighed me...I'm embarrassed to say but I now weigh 166.4 Lbs.  I didn't get a look at my blood pressure and stuff but yeah we ended waiting another thirty or so minutes in the backroom too.

Finally when my doctor came in she was kind of upset.  She told me some one messed up bad.  My appointment was supposed to be at 9:15 and yet there was a some one else who had a 10:45 appointment waiting in the next room.  She was kind of frustrated and apologized.  We didn't mind waiting but today it was a very long wait...longer than usual.  She did the normal listening of the heart beat and then she felt my pelvis area.  "There he is," she said and smiled.  I'm guessing she was feeling for his head.  After that she did a quick GBS swab.  It's a vaginal and rectal check for that certain bacteria.  It doesn't harm adults but during birth it can be passed to the child and cause blood infection, pneumonia, and a few other things you wouldn't want for your newborn.  If you test positive you'll get IV antibiotics during labor to reduce infection.

After that was done and over with we made our way home.  I'm still kind of tired out from the mini trip but I guess I'm going to have to use to it some more since I'm going to be going in once every week now.  So excited and I can't wait for my little man to be here!

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