Monday, June 6, 2011

27 Weeks Pregnant

They say that at twenty seven weeks your baby can suck his fingers and hiccup.  He can open and close his eyes and wake up at regular intervals and you begin to have leg cramps as your uterus grows.  All I have to say is that it's all true, which sucks but is true.

The first time I felt him hiccup I was kind of disturbed.  I wasn't sure what it was or if there was something wrong.  I ended up jumping on the internet and found out it was just my baby hiccuping.  I giggled at myself thinking how stupid it was of me to freak out.  But I guess it never hurts to be on the safe side.  =)

Baby definitely wakes up at certain intervals.  In my earlier months he stayed up kicking during the day and stayed still at night most of the time.  Now he's not very active during the day but kicks up a storm starting right around six or seven.  I can feel him moving across my belly so I end up staying up most of the night with my hand over my belly feeling his movements.  It's a really funky but yet a cool feeling when I see and feel him moving across my belly.

The worse thing people think about being pregnant would be waking up three to four times in the middle of the night just to use the bathroom.  However, going to the bathroom isn't even half as bad as getting leg cramps during the night or having your feet swell up to the size of a pumpkin.  Leg cramps are common because of the pressure from the uterus on your blood vessels but its not that bad if you know how to handle leg cramps.  I've only had one or two since my pregnancy so I don't mind it but what I hate more than anything is the swelling in my feet.  The swelling of your feet is also due to the pressure from the growing uterus and your feet and ankles swell up.  The only thing I've been able to do to not have my feet swell so bad is lay on my sides which takes some pressure off my veins.

Even though being pregnant is a pain I would never trade it for anything in the world.  Being pregnant is a gift and I don't intend to waste all my time being upset about how my body's reacting to my growing baby.  All I can do is be happy that he's almost here and I'm going to be able to hold him soon.  I can't wait! =)

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