Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Beachy Waves Without Using Any Hot Tools

This is how I use to get my hair done when I was little.  Only my sister french braided my hair for me because I didn't know how to do it.  I really liked my hair like this when I was a kid because I had really long flat hair so this gave some volume to my hair and I looked cute too.  Up until yesterday only my sisters french braided my hair for me because I obviously have some problems.  =)  However, I did french braid my hair for the first time yesterday...so I'm super proud of myself!

Anyways in order for me to achieve this look I had to dampen my hair because I have really thick and short hair.  I didn't even dampen my hair actually.  I just took a shower because it was just easier that way.  After taking a shower I dried myself off and  pat my hair until it was a little wetter than damp.  I then split my hair in half and started french braiding one side of my head.  After that I went to the other side and did the same.  I left the braids in all day and all night and when I unraveled it...my hair had waves!  I don't really style my waves but I took  two pins and just crisscrossed them to hold back my bangs so they don't bother me through out the day.
I personally don't like to use heat tools on my hair because I find that my hair is really bad with heating tools.  I've noticed that I get split ends very easily so I try very hard not to use any.  This method obviously beats crimping my hair with a crimper too so that's why I like doing this.

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