Friday, July 15, 2011

Week Number 32!

Something new that I've felt this week would be the tingly feeling in my legs.  During the day I don't really get the feeling because I'm moving around more frequently.  However, during the night I don't get a wink of sleep!  I think by far this week is the week that I've had the smallest amount of sleep and the highest amount of headaches.

I usually go to bed around 9:00 or 10:00.  Almost as soon as I jump into bed and calm down I feel like there's something crawling on my leg.  If it's not than I get a funny tingling sensation all up and down my legs.  I end up tossing and turning or moving my legs back and forth in different position just to get rid of the feeling.  What sucks is that as soon as the feeling disappears it comes back.  The only thing that I've been able to do to somewhat rid me of the feeling is packing on a butt load of lotion on my legs and letting them dry just a little bit before bed.  Even with so much lotion on I can still feel the tingly feeling but I guess somehow the lotion soothes the tingly feeling just enough so that I can sleep.

Sadly, I don't get much rest because as soon as I start to drift away you can only guess who starts kicking up a storm.  Yes, baby always decides to wake up as I fall asleep.  Now that I really seriously can't do anything about.  I end up staying up all night until he ends up tiring out and falling asleep.  I basically only get to sleep when he want's to sleep and he's only in my belly.

As if that wasn't enough try waking up every morning feeling tired and with a headache.  It can only get better right?  WRONG!  It gets worse!  I can't do anything because if I stand for a long period of time my feet start to swell and I start feeling woozy.  I don't know what's worse...having morning sickness...or feeling all this.  But I guess you can't do much except be happy that something specials almost here!

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