Monday, July 18, 2011

What I Did In Forth Smith & Van Baren

Saturday my hubby and I went Fort Smith! Yay!  We don't really make the trip to Fort Smith because it's almost a 45 minute drive to and from.  Anyways we made the trip to Fort Smith and stopped by Petco, Target, and Walgreens.  They we made another trip to Van Baren on our way home to check out the Fish Room.

We went to Petco looking for pearl scales which are a kind of gold fish.  I think, I'm not exactly sure so don't quote me.  =)  Well anyways there were no pearl scales but there definitely was an animal adoption going on at Petco.  There were 8 or more dogs just waiting to be adopted and about 4 or 5 bunny rabbits.  They all looked so cute! 

My husband ended up dragging me away from the dogs and towards the reptile section.  I found out something new that day also.  We saw this little lizard or whatever it was eating his own skin that was starting to peel.  Kind of weird and disgusting but at the same time some what intriguing.  I didn't know they did that.
After Petco Lao and I went to Target!  I get excited about going to Target because sadly there are only 2 Targets in Arkansas and being from where I came from that sucks!  I lived in Wisconsin prior to moving to Arkansas so I feel very lonely with only 2 Target stores in Arkansas while in Wisconsin they're everywhere.  1 Target is in Fort Smith and the other I think is in  Fayetteville.

I spent about an hour in just the cosmetics section of Target but didn't get anything.  I swear I can't buy anything if I take my husband with me!  We ended making our way through the office supplies area and then into the furniture section.  And then some way, some how we ended up in the electronics section.  I hate the electronics because my husband ends up sitting there looking at games for his PS3.  We ended up getting out of there soon after or we weren't going to make it to the Fish Room.

We made a quick stop by Walgreens for me to look at some cosmetics.  Yet again I did not buy obviously because of the husband.  However, I do have my eyes on some things from both Target and Walgreens so I'm just going to sit pretty for now.  =) 

At the Fish Room my husband found 2 pearl scales.  One of them was looking a little sick and I didn't want him but man my husband is a brat!  We ended up getting both of them for $12 something.  Sadly this morning the sickly looking one died I'm assuming because I don't see him in the tank anymore.  The other pearl scale however, is getting along just fine with the Kois but I'm afraid he won't be able to feed because he's so slow while the Kois eat a lot, very fast.  I guess I'm just going to have to wait and see how everything works out.
The other one died before I took this photo.  RIP little fella!

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